ResponsibilitiesThe SRG Committee has overall responsibility for personal data issues. Day-to-day responsibility has been delegated to the Treasurer, namelyunderstanding and communicating obligations under the relevant legislationidentifying potential problem areas or risksproducing clear and effective proceduresensuring all committee members and event organisers allowed access to personal data on behalf of SRG understand the requirements of them under this policy.All committee members and event organisers who process personal information must ensure they not only understand but also act in line with this policy and the data protection principles. Breach of this policy will result initially in the individual’s being given further advice on his/her responsibilities under the legislation. Repeated breaches will result in being denied access to personal data.Sharing DataMembers’ contact details are routinely shared with all SRG office holders for effective communication. They may, at the discretion of an office holder, be shared with an event organiser also for effective communication.SRG has an e-mail list of all members, maintained by the Treasurer. This is used in such a way that no member may see another member’s e-mail address.The club programme, which is used partly to publicise SRG’s activities, contains a telephone number for the walk leader. However this does not give the walk leader’s full surname.SRG has a web site and an open page on Facebook to promote the activities of the group. This includes photographs of members but only where the member has given permission. Wherever possible individual members are not named and where this does happen only the forename is used. SRG also has a closed Facebook page where access is only available to group members; this is used to share photographs as well as for communication.ImplementationThe Committee has reviewed the information collected on the membership application and is satisfied that this complies with the data protection principles listed in Section 2. Data collected for specific activities will either be agreed specifically by the committee or follow a standard format for the type of event agreed by committee. In agreeing this policy the committee has also sought to ensure that data is kept securely and for an appropriate length of time and that there is a proper basis for any sharing of the data with third-parties.As part of the implementation of this policy, all existing members will be asked to resubmit their personal data and will be asked to give their permission for the specific uses for explicit permission has been required from May 2018.Retention PeriodsSRG will retain personal data for the following periods:Details on club membership data-base: for 6 months after membership expiresApplication forms for specific activities: for 6 months after the activity takes place Summary sheets of those attending specific activities: a list of names may be retained indefinitely but all other personal details will be deleted within 6 monthsWalk attendance lists: for 6 years after the walk took placeMembership of SRG’s closed Facebook page: any participants who do not renew their membership will be removed within 6 months of their membership lapsing.Subject Access RequestsMembers may at any time request that the data held on them is changed and are encouraged to do so to ensure effective communication with them.All members have the statutory right to request details of the data held on them. Anyone wishing to exercise this right should contact the Treasurer in writing or by e-mail. The information will be supplied to the member’s personal address within 40 days. There will be no charge for this.Any other queries by members on SRG’s handling of their personal data should be addressed in writing or by e-mail to the Chair who will ensure a prompt response.Review This policy will be reviewed as required.Adopted by the committee of Stafford Rambling Group on 4July 2018